Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Carnival's "vacation guarantee" aimed at first-time cruisers

Carnival Cruise Lines has extended its "vacation guarantee" for all departures through December 13, 2008.

The guarantee works like this: if you start your cruise and just want to get off, for whatever reason, you can disembark at the first non-U.S. port of call and receive a pro-rated refund for the unused portion of your cruise fare, along with reimbursement for coach air transportation back to the ship's home port. You just have to notify the purser's office of your intent before reaching the first port of call.

Carnival devised its guarantee, the only one of its kind in the cruise industry, as a way to attract first-time cruisers who may be reluctant to sail for fear they may be bored, or feel confined, or other notions that many non-cruisers have about cruising. If you fall into that camp, you may want to give Carnival a try and sail off without risking your entire cruise fare. (Further good news: initial fares tend to be lower on Carnival than on most other lines, anyway.)

You can reach Carnival's website here or call 800/CARNIVAL.

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